D&D 4E world doc
The Site
Permalink to “The Site”This website is a living document, and you're entitled to add to it if you play in my games. Because of that, I've tried to balance my nerd-brain tendencies to make Good but inaccessible with the need to make a simple enough way for people who aren't me to contribute. I think this is close enough.
The Basics
Permalink to “The Basics”Pages are written using a super simple format called Markdown. If you're unfamiliar with markdown, here's a link to a great resource on how to use it. Write up a page about something you're interested in or a note about your character's antics: pass it off to me and I'll get it up with minimal fuss.
More Advanced
Permalink to “More Advanced”If you know how to use Github on a basic level already or are willing to learn, go to the repository to check out the file structure of the site. Even at this level, all you have to worry about is editing .md files and getting the changes pushed to main. The site will be generated automatically.
Put entries on the world etc. in /entries
. Put notes in /notes
. Images can go in /assets/img